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Plans / Re: Chipmunk - Denis Bryant plan
« Last post by DannyF on 16/05/2019, 11:06:32 PM »
Plenty of videos on my You tube channel :)

Chippy has won silver in two consecutive British Nationals, will the third time be the charm?

General Discussion / Re: EASA Plans for Model Aircraft...
« Last post by Burman on 05/02/2018, 03:58:22 PM »
I wish I knew about this petition back then, I would have signed it for sure. Was it successful at all?
General Discussion / EASA Plans for Model Aircraft...
« Last post by Jim (Chairman) on 04/10/2016, 01:19:01 PM »

Obviously Greenacres MAC is not a political forum, however I believe that in this case, I am justified by making the GMAC Membership aware of possible changes to the European legislation regarding "traditional" model aircraft flying, as we all do.

Without going into the minute detail of the proposed regulations, there is a danger that if the wording or definitions of "unmanned aerial vehicles" is not changed or clarified, they could lump our models in with stricter regulations and / or registration of other types of aircraft, predominately "drones or quadcopters.

There is an online petition running to bring this to the attention of the UK Government.


The petition only requires your name, email address and postcode to register your concern...
General Discussion / Planes for sale...
« Last post by Jim (Chairman) on 22/09/2016, 10:26:06 AM »

We were visited by an ex-member of Greenacres, Henry Kendall, at the weekend.

Unfortunately Henry has had to give up flying models due to medical reasons, and is now parting with some of his beloved planes.

A family friend has forwarded me some photos of the planes, but no other details.

We have no prices suggested for these, but I will put them up here to see if there is any interest.

The planes for sale are Monocoupe 90A, Hanger 9 Toledo Special and a Super Cub. Sorry no details other than what I can see from the photos.

Monocoupe 90A

Super Cub

Hanger 9 Toledo Special

Unknown Monoplane? Also Toledo-like...

If anyone is interested in any of these models, please email Jim Mchugh at and I will give you details of the seller...

Aldridge Airport / Re: Gypsies on the field...
« Last post by Jim (Chairman) on 09/06/2016, 08:08:02 PM »
Update Thursday 09/06/2016

Been to the field again. Council has obtained an Eviction Order, which will be executed at 11:00 tomorrow, Friday 10th June.

We would expect that the field will be fit for use sometime on Friday afternoon.

Sorry that we have lost a good weeks flying, but that's how long the process takes...

The Eviction Order will stay in place for the next 3 months so any further visitors will be dealt with in short order!

Thanks for your patience...
Aldridge Airport / Re: Gypsies on the field...
« Last post by Jim (Chairman) on 07/06/2016, 06:55:24 PM »
Update Tuesday 07/06/2016

Walsall MBC has obtained and posted a Court Order / Notice of Eviction at the field today.

There is also a summons to appear in court scheduled for Thursday afternoon.

Once that court date has occured, the Notice of Eviction will be served (hopefully) by the police on Thursday evening...
Aldridge Airport / Re: Gypsies on the field...
« Last post by Jim (Chairman) on 06/06/2016, 06:32:57 PM »

Just been down the field again this evening.

Situation is the same as prevously.

Walsall MBC are actively trying to obtain Court Orders etc, but these things take a little time.

 Obviously, due to the wonderful weather, many of us are keen to fly in the day or evenings.

After discussion, the committee has to strongly recommend that GMAC pilots do not fly at Aldridge Airport.

Solo flying should be considered totally out of the question, as your health and safety would be in grave doubt.

Please think carefully before going to fly at the field.

Can you protect your transmitter, vehicle, equipment and aircraft?

Aldridge Airport / Gypsies on the field...
« Last post by Jim (Chairman) on 06/06/2016, 09:07:34 AM »

As some of you may already know, we have unwanted visitors on Aldridge Airport again.

18 - 20 caravans and associated vehicles are parked up in the middle of the field just beyond our show strip.

So far, the field does not appear to be badly damaged, but that situation could change if the "kids" start rallying their cars around.

Walsall MBC has been notified this morning, and they will now take steps to obtain the Court Order needed to evict.

Fingers crossed that they will not be around for long...

Nice flying weather this week?!
2016 / Greenacres May Fly In 2016 - Photos
« Last post by Jim (Chairman) on 02/06/2016, 04:02:39 PM »

I've collected together as many photos as I could for the May Fly In, and put them all up on the GMAC Website, also my own Gallery server.

Photo Credits: Danny Fenton, Dylan Reynolds, Morgan Goule & Sam Bates (Aerial Shots).Enjoy!
2016 / Re: May Fly In: Jims Photos
« Last post by ANDY MUCKLEY (Safety Officer) on 23/05/2016, 09:36:33 PM »
Looking good so far Jim
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