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Topics - DannyF

Pages: [1]
Kits / Free Flight Indoor Nationals 2016
« on: 22/04/2016, 11:18:55 PM »
For those of you that don't know, the British Indoor Free Flight Nationals take place a week on Sunday (May 1st) at Wolverhampton University.
I went last year and it was really interesting, I swore then that I must have a go. Of course I left it until just a few weeks before the event before deciding I would enter this year. Anyway in 19 days I managed to turn a kit into a model, so if you come along on Sunday you will see loads of fantastic models........ and mine  ???

I have entered kit class, which means the model has to be built and decorated EXACTLY to the plan. Those that know me know how difficult I find it to not add detail, well in kit class you are not allowed! So it has been very refreshing, to not even be able to choose the tissue to use!
The model spans just 17" and before adding the rubber motor weighs a whopping 26g.

Maybe see you there?


Plans / Chipmunk - Denis Bryant plan
« on: 10/02/2016, 09:21:03 AM »
Well the Chipmunk that many of you saw at clubnight is finished.

Club night chat / Resin Casting demo - Jan 27th Clubnight
« on: 28/01/2016, 09:14:23 AM »
Just wanted to say a big thanks to those that suffered through my moulding and casting demo. Parts were a bit like watching paint dry or I should say resin setting  ???

I appreciate many are not quite as bonkers as I am when it comes to detailing, but several people said they enjoyed witnessing my insanity.

The encouraging words re my Chipmunk have me all rejuvinated and ready to finish off the scale documention, roll on the first comp!


Aldridge Airport / The new strip
« on: 12/06/2013, 11:53:24 PM »
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed flying from the new patch, I appreciate that there may be issues with the sun in the winter, but when I flew on Saturday, despite the sun it was really nice, and I thoroughly enjoyed the layout. The strip seemed much more even, and John has done a wonderful job already on the grass and it can only get better. Thanks John  :)


Flying chat / Going flying?
« on: 21/08/2012, 10:32:37 AM »
I am going to try and get over the field for a fly this evening, anybody else going?


Own designs / Piper Apache
« on: 28/04/2012, 10:56:16 PM »

Designed in Turbocad by me and developed in 3D/Rhino by Ton van Munsteren
CNC cut by Rob Bulk of RBC Kits

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